Hairy Root Culture for Mass Production of Medicinal Important Compound Neoandrographolide from Andrographis lobelioides Nees
The present study was focused to develop hairy root culture of Andrographis lobelioides for the production of Neoandrographolide using Agrobacterium rhizogenes (8196), strains for leaf and root explants. The results indicated that the leaf and root explants induced hairy roots formation and enhanced secondary metabolites Neoandrographolide and related compounds. The medium was supplemented with half strength liquid MS medium with 2.0 μM/l Indole butyric acid (IBA). The highest percentage of Neoandrographolide (161.89%) was observed by HPLC. The integration of T-DNA proportion of A. rhizogenes in hairy roots was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction analysis with specific primer of rol C gene plasmid and fragment length of the transferred gene was 540 bp and 480 bp were determined from Ri plasmids of Agrobacterium rhizogenes.
Keywords: Agrobacterium rhizogenes, hairy roots, elicitor, Neoandrographolide
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Samydurai P, Rajendran A. Hairy root culture for mass production of medicinal important compound Neoandrographolide from Andrographis lobelioides Nees. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Biotechnology. 2018; 8(2): 14–19p
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/(rrjobt).v8i2.162
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