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Biochemical mechanism for generating photosynthesis and rapid reproduction of Chlorella cells, using solar energy

Michael Shoikhedbrod


 The main source of oxygen release and utilization of atmospheric carbon dioxide, using solar energy by phytoplankton cells of the world ocean, is the photosynthetic nanostructure of phytoplankton cells— chlorophyll. During the process of photosynthesis, the Chlorella cell not only releases oxygen and utilizes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, using solar energy by the Chlorella cells of the world's oceans, but also produces glucose inside the cell, which, in the process of breakdown (glycolysis), releases energy that causes the rapid reproduction of Chlorella cells in the sea or river water. The present article revealed the biochemical nature of the generation of photosynthesis of Chlorella cell high-quality concentrate and glucose inside them in sea or river water, using solar energy, which made it possible to enrich the atmosphere with oxygen, utilizing atmospheric carbon dioxide, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from Chlorella cells in the world ocean. Also, these cells intensively multiplies in sea or river water using the energy released in the process of glycolysis of the glucose, generated inside the Chlorella cells. A high-quality concentrate of Chlorella cells is used to enrich the atmosphere with oxygen, utilize atmospheric carbon dioxide, by photosynthesis of these cells in sea or river water, using solar energy. It is obtained by a developed method in a specially designed concentrator-electroflotator, powered by a solar panel cell. High-quality, quickly multiplying Chlorella cells are concentrated in the process of passing a direct electric current through stagnant “green” water of lake fresh water, electrolysis of waste “green” water between the electrodes of the concentrator-electroflotator and electroflotation of the resulting complexes of the Chlorella cell + microdispersed electrolytic hydrogen bubbles.


Photosynthesis; solar energy; glycolysis; glucose; greenhouse gas emissions; Chlorella cells.

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