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Appraisal of the e-Waste Management Generated from Mobile Phones in the Hassan City, Karnataka: The Perspectives of Public Perception, Consumption and Disposal Activities

Harshitha H. K., Suresh B., Sumana Y. B.


This study delves into the management of electronic waste (e-waste) stemming from the disposal of personal electronic items and mobile phones, primarily in response to the remarkable surge in the utilization of these devices within the Hassan city populace in recent years. The principal objectives revolved around investigating the existing disposal methods for electronic devices including mobile phones and collecting fundamental data concerning their disposal practices within the geographical confines of Hassan city of Karnataka State. Additionally, an endeavor was undertaken to gauge the level of awareness among respondents regarding the potential hazards posed by e-waste. It was observed that a significant proportion of the Hassan population typically retains especially electronic devices is cell phones, once these devices become outdated and obsolete. Among the prevalent disposal methods, the most widespread approach involves selling these gadgets to scrap dealers or junk shops, whereas recycling practices remain relatively underutilized. Notably, a mere minority of individuals engage in recycling activities. An intriguing revelation emerged, with 65% of respondents expressing concern about the adverse repercussions of improper e-waste disposal on human health and the environment. Astonishingly, all respondents admitted to having no knowledge of the fate of their discarded electronic devices. Based on the findings gleaned from this survey, it is strongly recommended that a comprehensive review be conducted on the overarching management of e-waste stemming from this electronic waste including mobile phones, gadgets in the Hassan city of Karnataka State. The purpose of these surveys and data collection endeavors is to approximate the volume of e-waste generated through the disposal of these devices. This information is envisioned to assist stakeholders and government agencies in formulating effective and efficient legislation and policies for the proficient management of e-waste

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