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Rooftop layout optimization for PV installation using GIS

Carlos Armenta-Déu, Félix Jesús de-Segura-Muñoz, Francisco Javier Domínguez-Bravo


In this work, we develop a new modelling process to optimize the PV installation layout on industrial building rooftops; the model searches for maximizing the number of installed PV panels in a defined spot area, characterized by its shape, size, tilt and orientation. The study focuses on areas of latitude between tropics, but is useful for other latitudes. The method is applied to an industrial conglomerate of reference, made up of 34 industries, whose geographical characteristics have been provided by the GIS technique. The proposed model reduces the area of the spot to a very small size (5m x 5m), thanks to the use of the GIS tools, thus increasing the precision of results and making the solution more reliable. The accuracy of the method is over 98.5%. The model takes into account not only the shape and size of the PV panel but also the tilt angle. The model predicts the number of panels as a function of the tilt angle of the panel and the azimuth of the rooftop. The modelling process has allowed obtaining the surface coverage factor of the PV layout for panels facing to the Equator in rooftops with a specific azimuth. The results of the modelling shows that coverage factor increases with the rooftop’s azimuth, having a minimum value of 75% for a rooftop azimuth of 45º and a maximum of 92% for angles of 5º and 85º.

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