Hydrodynamic Analysis of Deep Drafted Column Structured (DDCS) Floater for an Offshore Wind Turbine

Mayilvahanan A.C, Panneer Selvam


Power generation from offshore wind turbines is widely seen as a main source of sustainable energy supply in coming decades. As wind speed increases rapidly with distance from the coast, potential sites for extracting the offshore wind energy for the use of coastal community exist in many places. In shallow water, fixed structures like tripods, jackets, and truss-type towers, monopiles and gravity base are functionally and economically feasible for depths up to 60 m.  In deep waters, a floating substructure is found to be more economical than a bottom fixed structures.  The present study focuses on hydrodynamic behavior of Deep Drafted Column Structured (DDCS) type floater with different aspect ratios for its suitability to support an offshore wind turbine.The responses are obtained in the frequency domain for two cases in three different sea states: the complete system under wave loading only and the complete system under wave and wind loading.


Keywords:wind turbines, DDCS,hydrodynamic, wind energy, water depth

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