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The Future of Biotechnology: Revisiting the Spontaneous Generation of Living Organisms

Vásquez EF


The emergence of life as a system of thermodynamically stable components capable of self-replication has been elucidated since Aristotle´s “Spontaneous Generation”. This chemical evolution begat primordial cells which then underwent evolutionary change, diversity and evolution stability at the ecological level; extinction for our planet is not foreseable in the near future. Life, single or pluri-cellular, can theoretically emerge from chemistry even nowadays but are less probable from the spontaneous assembly of sub-cellular components. The latter spontaneous assembly can theoretically be replicated for the complete taxon of species on the planet Earth including us, the Homo sapiens. The technology could harbor a different path towards terraformation into the needs of the Homo sapiens. Experimentation in a conscious species such the Homo sapiens should be banned and penalized by the International law.


Biotechnology, life, spontaneous assembly, terraformation, International law

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