DNA Barcoding
DNA barcoding system is a promising approach towards the diagnosis of biological diversity using DNA sequences as a primary key for retrieval of genetic information. It is emerging as a standardised method for mapping various species on the earth. DNA barcoding is a tool for identification of new species, conservation of endangered species and clustering of various species under a particular group. Many databases have been developed across the globe for the quick assessment of various DNA barcodes. Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) and Barcode of Life Database (BOLD) serves as the major barcode sources for the researchers in species identification. There are few accepted barcodes across the globe for identification of the species such as CO1 gene for animals and rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA for plants and ITS gene for fungal species. Hence DNA barcoding is the new modernised, speedy, precise and consistent method for biodiversity identification. This review study shows salient features of DNA barcoding system as a simple modernised taxonomical tool for species identifications.
Keywords: DNA barcoding, CO1 gene, matK gene, trnH-psbA gene, biodiversity
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Gowthami S, Saranya D,Prashanth Kumar HP et al. DNA barcoding. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Bioinformatics. 2016; 3(1): 9–13p
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/(rrjobi).v3i1.394
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