A Research Investigating the Efficacy of a Well-Planned Educational Program on Enhancing Knowledge about Breast Self-Examination Among First and Second Year GNM Students at SGRD College of Nursing, Vallah, Amritsar
This research employed a quasi-experimental study. GNM first- and second-year students from Sri Guru Ram Das College of Nursing Vallah in Amritsar engaged in the current study (Punjab). The study's objective was to evaluate the impact of a structured teaching strategy on GNM students' breast self-examination. A total of 60 students were selected through the convenience sampling technique. The intervention was given in form of a structured teaching program for a period of 45 minutes. Seven days later post-test was given to determine whether the structured instruction program had been successful. The findings of the study show pre-test knowledge scores were 8.3% that were poor, 68.4% had average knowledge and 23.3% had good knowledge. After giving intervention the post-test knowledge gold was as follows 8.3% of the students had average knowledge 91.7% had good knowledge. The effectiveness was statistically tested using mean and standard deviation. The mean during the pre-test was 13.98, with a corresponding standard deviation 3.377 and in the post test mean was 22.28 and the standard deviation was 3.125. The main difference was 7.30, the t value was 15.89, df was 59, and the P value was 0.1No correlation was found between knowledge about breast self-examination and the socio-demographic variables they chose. Hence it can be concluded from this study that the structured teaching program can increase the level of knowledge among the students.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/(rrjobi).v10i2.1448
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