Mechanical Characterization of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites Modified with Silane Treated Alumina Nanofibers
Alumina nanofibers pristine and vinyl silane treated are used as nanofillers in polyester matrix reinforced with woven glass fibers at loading levels of 0.25 w%, 0.5 wt%, 0.75 wt%, and 1.00 wt% and the static mechanical properties are evaluated. The effect of silane treatment on the mechanical behavior, interface damage behavior for these composites is compared. The tensile strength of composites increased with addition of alumina nanofibers and a consistent improvement >20% is observed VT-composite. Additionally, the stiffness enhanced by 3X for the VT-composites. The flexure strength enhancement by 12.14%, 6.16%, 8.07%, and 15.2%, respectively, for 0.25 wt%. 0.5 wt%, 0.75 wt%, and 1 wt% loading level of vinyl silane treated alumina nanofiber modified composites. The flexural stiffness for these composites improved by 22.79%, 14.81%, 22.61%, and 35.57%, respectively. However, the short beam ILSS property was noted to have a maximum improvement by 19.03% and 25.69% for 0.25 wt% and 1.00 wt% loading level of vinyl silane treated alumina nanofiber, respectively. The Weibull distribution analysis on the strength values of the composites revealed a wide deviation with theoretical values significantly lower when compared with experimental values. Weibull studies showed higher scale parameter increment of 34% and 35% for tensile strength at 1.00 wt% VTcomposite and UT-composite, respectively; flexure strength at 16% and 6.96% for 1.00 wt% and 0.25 wt% VT-composite and UT-composite, respectively; ILSS at 94% and 52% for 0.25 wt%, and 0.75 wt% VT-composite and UT-composite, respectively. The information from Weibull distribution in the study will be practical for composite design and manufacturers to ensure dependability of material system.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/nanotrends.v25i1.1390
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