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Challenges and Possible Solutions in Plastic Pollution

S Ravichandran, Kambhoji Manju Bhargavi, R.M. Madhumitha Sri


Plastics are extensively utilized in numerous industries due to their long-lasting nature, affordability, and adaptability, becoming an essential component of the worldwide economy. As societies produce waste, only a small portion of it is recycled, while the rest ends up in different ecosystems, causing harm to the environment and living organisms. The environmental degradation caused by plastics has raised significant concerns regarding their disposal. Nowadays hazardous waste is a serious issue for the environment. This waste can affect human, animal, or plant life in adverse ways. These types of waste are coming also from plastics (From Hospital, Laboratory, industry etc.). To achieve more sustainable resource management, there is a pressing need for the world to shift from a linear economy to a more resilient circular economy approach in handling plastic waste. In a circular economy, plastics are utilized and reutilized for extended periods, extracting their full potential value, and eventually recovering and regenerating products at the end of their useful life. Alongside reusing and recycling plastics, numerous technological innovations and interventions play a crucial role. Adopting a circular economy approach for plastics would guarantee a sustainable and resource-efficient future. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effects of plastic waste on human health and the environment.

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