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Exploring the Benefits and Efficacy of Green Cloud Computing Techniques for Distributing Educational Library Data in India's Remote Regions During a Pandemic

Shivshankar Bharatpure, Ananya Samanta Jana


The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the necessity for digital infrastructure and accessibility, particularly in the education sector. This paper investigates the benefits and effectiveness of utilizing Green Cloud Computing (GCC) techniques for the dissemination of educational library data in remote regions of India during this critical period. The GCC model, known for its energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact, is proposed as a robust, scalable, and eco-friendly solution for providing remote educational access. The research utilizes a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both quantitative assessments of data reach and usage, and qualitative surveys to understand user experiences. The study reveals that GCC techniques can significantly improve educational resource distribution, thereby mitigating the educational disparities further exacerbated by the pandemic. These findings reinforce the potential of GCC techniques as a sustainable and inclusive technology in reshaping the educational landscape in remote regions.

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