Vulnerability Assessment for Identification of Vulnerable Reaches for Flood, Riverbank Erosion, and Landslide in Himachal Pradesh, India
Himachal Pradesh state is very vulnerable to flash floods, landslides, and riverbank erosion. Efforts have been made to develop a tool that can predict these disasters before the event, so that the authorities can take the protection measures. A web-enable vulnerability assessment tool has been developed for identification of vulnerable reaches for flood, riverbank erosion, and landslide in Himachal Pradesh. Historical excessive rainfall events, flash floods events and its causes, largest instrumented earthquake events have been reviewed and analyzed in detail. A flash flood risk index for rainfall-induced events occurring during the monsoon, glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) risk index to monitor glacial lakes, and landslide risk index have been developed. River model (HecRAS,1D) model has developed for inflow forecasting system and early warning system; flood model (TUFLOW/SOBEK, 2D) has developed to identify the flood prone areas; river morphological model (Delft, 3D) has developed to find out the morphological active areas; historical satellite imageries between 1973-2023 have been analyzed by using artificial intelligence technology to identify the riverbank erosion areas, landslide active area; these imageries have also analyzed for snowmelt forecasting and GLOF study. Multi criteria analysis model has been developed for identification of vulnerable reaches. These all five activities have been integrated in the web-enable real-time vulnerability assessment tool of Himachal Pradesh. This tool can be identified of vulnerable reaches for riverbank erosion, flood, and landslide in real-time meaner, and can predict the flash floods. The tool is available at: This tool is very useful for authorities, communities, and stakeholders, who take the protection measures during the disaster. There is still a need for some improvement, this tool can be upgraded at large scale, which can be done with the help of concern department or can be done with more accurate data as well when funds will available.
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