Two-Dimensional Flood Modelling of Majuli Island, Assam (India) using MIKE FLOOD Model
Flood hazard mapping, which uses model and satellite remote sensing data, is extremely useful for flood monitoring and risk management. The flood inundation extent and flooding depth on Majuli Island and its surrounding area in Assam, India, were simulated using MIKE FLOOD, a coupled 1D-2D hydrodynamic model. MIKE FLOOD is a platform that integrates the MIKE Hydro River (1D) and MIKE 21 FM (2D) models into a dynamically coupled single modeling framework. The study employed daily discharge and water level data from several gauging stations operated by the Centre Water Commission (CWC), Global Flood Monitoring System (GFMS), and Water Resource Department (WRD) of Assam. First, the MIKE Hydro River (1D) model was calibrated using discharge and water level data from 2016 to 2018 and validated for the period of 2019-2021. The MIKE Hydro River (1D) model's calibration and validation results were evaluated using a numerous of performance metrics. From ALOS PALSAR DEM data / SRTM DEM data, a fine mesh and bathymetry of Majuli Island with a spatial resolution of 10m has been created and provided as an input to the MIKE 21 FM (2D, Flow Model). The MIKE Hydro River (1D) and MIKE 21 FM (2D) models were then linked to the MIKE FLOOD model for simulating two-dimensional flood inundations in the study area through lateral linkages. Flood inundation has been simulated for the year 2020, and the model's maximum flood inundation extent has been compared to the actual flooded area retrieved from Sentinel-1 C-Band satellite data. The R2 in the study area was ranging between 0.86 and 0.97, but the WBL in the MIKE Hydro River model was less than 1.23. On the opposite hand, the MIKE FLOOD's total accuracy is 93.6 percent according to the confusion matrix. According to the most recent model simulation, flooding will occur between July 19 and July 21, 2020, with the greatest and lowest flood depths being 2.38 and 0.786 m, respectively. In addition, the MIKE FLOOD model may be used for flood control in the future, and this research will aid policymakers in the field of water management in achieving successful mitigation measures.
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