Efficient Cooling with Peltier Modules: A Guide to Air Cooler Design
The average annual temperature is rising due to the daily rise in global warming, which makes life more difficult and stressful for those who live in load-shedding-affected areas. Modern cooling technologies, such as air conditioners and coolers, are useless during the hottest parts of the day because they don't use inverters to generate backup electricity. In order to address the issues of portability, economy, and cost-effectiveness, the idea of alternative air conditioning that uses TEC while being rechargeable and off the grid has been proposed. Although it is well known that the efficiency of TEC's performance is not as high as that of modern vapor compression air refrigeration, with improved manufacturing processes, forced convection of cold liquid to increase the device's effective cooling, and humidity control using moisture absorbent in conjunction with capillary tubing acting as thermal siphoning to reduce ambient heat radiation instead of air fins, the device's performance can be improved. Basically in this research we tried to increase the coefficient of performance of the Peltier Module using various techniques. The Module is also not power efficient , so in long run we can’t use plenty of them either two or three also we need to create the cooling effect . So keeping everything in mind we use the module accordingly to achieve the goal and make it a model for mass production.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37591/jorachv.v10i2.1527
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