Developed Nano-technological Production of Chemotherapeutic Drugs for Targeted Destruction of a Cancerous Tumor
Existing chemotherapeutic drugs do not have the ability to act on a cancerous tumor with a calculated dose and time, corresponding to the cancer cell mitosis, which leads to the unpredictability of the result
of the drug application, and, consequently, to the ineffectiveness of its use in treatment. An indirect effect of a chemotherapeutic drug on cancerous tumor cells leads to damage of normal cells of the patient's body, causing a number of complications, associated with the side effects of chemotherapy.
The paper presents the developed nano-technological production of chemotherapeutic drugs for targeted destruction of a cancerous tumor with precisely calculated dose and time of cytostatic action on tumor cells at the moment of their mitosis (indirect cell division). The drug, obtained by the
developed nano-technological method is a carrier material with uniformly distributed small spherical droplets of cytostatic. The resulting drug is a solid carrier material that melts at the temperature of the human body, which allows it to be implanted in areas of the patient's body that supply blood to the cancerous tumor. Spherical droplets of the cytostatic solution, evenly distributed in the resulting carrier material, when it is melted, purposefully with a calculated dose and time directly act on cancerous
tumor cells at the moment of their mitosis. The calculation of the shock dose and the time of action of the cytostatic solution, exactly attributable to the mitosis of cancer cells, when setting the volume of each drop, their total amount in the carrier material, as well as the melting time of the latter, is quite simple. The calculated dose of cytostatic in the carrier material is achieved by injecting a pre-calculated volume of cytostatic into it in the form of small spherical droplets through a special gap inside the chamber for the molten carrier material by drip bubbling under weightless conditions.
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