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The Pre-domestic Approach: Insights from Capsicum pubescens and Gallus gallus essays

Vásquez EF


Essays for the Pre-domestic Approach defined as organic, free-range and producer-consumer fair trade production of domesticated animals in association with plants of comercial relevance where the maximun potential of animal survival instinct thus genomic potential are favored by the producer have been carried out for Capsicum pubescens and Gallus gallus and an account of early results is presented for the reader. Although much research is required and will be carried out Capsicum pubescens and Gallus gallus can be produced together with care on Capsicum pubescens phenology to introduce birds in the system. Venture producers are invited to the initiative which will theoretically displace the organic free-range fair-trade market. The concept of “Basement Genomes” is introduced to the scientific comunity of genetists and plant and animal breeders for genetic resources conservation of Homo sapiens domesticates and the genetic pool of our planet to be studied.


Pre-domestic Approach, P-dA, Capsicum pubescens, Gallus gallus, “Basement Genomes”

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