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A Review on Medicinal Plant—Colchicum luteum

Puneet Gulati


Colchicum luteum is a genus of perennial plants which contains around 160 species that grow from bulb-like corms. It's design is extremely long in proportion, often quite 10 cm. The common names `Autumn crocus` meadow saffron` and naked lady` could also be applied to the entire genus or to many of its species. Colchicum luteum is usually found at the peak of 2000 – 9000 feet. It's generally found in areas of Himalayan region extending up-to the Hind-kush Mountains. The species of Colchicum are highly valuated as ornamental plants along with therapeutic benefits. The taxonomy of this genus is quite confused, and misnaming often occurs within the trade, chromosome counts, and its medicinal alongside therapeutical uses are included during this review paper.


Colchicum, geographical area, taxonomy, botany, pharmacology, cytology, chromosome, medicinal uses and therapeutical uses

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