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Modeling the Rate of Chromium Retardation Influenced by Variation of Velocity in Woji River Port Harcourt

Eluozo S. N., Amadi C. P.


Woji River were investigated through thorough physiochemical analysis, chromium were observed to deposit highest rate of concentration increasing the pollution rate of the River, the rate of the contaminant monitored developed various rates of concentration, the transport of chromium in woji Rivers express various influential factors, velocity of flow were the predominant parameter that reflected its pressured on the variation of transport in the River, declined rate were observed in all the locations monitored, retardation reflected its influence in all the stations observed, the modeling of chromium migration has detailed the rate of chromium  deposition in the River, the predictive values were subjected to model validation, and both parameters  developed best fit correlation, the study is imperative because the substance content has being determined in the river, the study will be useful in environmental risk assessment of the River, the study will be compared with water quality index for River on chromium concentrate to determined the rate of  pollution and other risk factors on environmental hazard.


Modeling, Chromium, retardation, Velocity and River

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