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Estimation of Various Geomorphometric Aspects of Kandra River Basin of Panhala Tehsil, Kolhapur District (M.S.)

Jayantbabu Vithalrao Khanapurkar


The term morphometry senses the measurement and analysis of form and its properties. In
context of geomorphology, which is science of land forms, it is concerned with the various
geometrical aspects of the landforms. It is inevitable in the study of fluvial geomorphology.
Morphometric analysis particularly deals with quantitative measurements of different aspects
like linear, aerial and relief, for instance stream order, stream length, drainage density,
drainage frequency, bifurcation ratio, constant channel maintenance etc. Kandra River one of
the major tributaries of Warana River flows on southern part of Deccan Trap of Maharashtra
and occupies an area of about 148sq. km. The stream orders of this basin range from first order
to fifth order. The dendritic drainage pattern indicates the homogeneity in texture and lack of
structural control on the rocks of the area. The average drainage density of the river is 2.12;
however it varies within the basin which detects the minor changes in the terrain configuration
and gradient intensity and its aspects. Drainage frequency is also dynamic however, the average
drainage frequency is 2.02 which is an outcome of the undulating and rugged terrain supported
by the constant of channel maintenance of basin that is 0.47 km2/km.
Keywords: Stream orders, Dendritic drainage pattern, Drainage density, Drainage frequency.

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