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Geomorphometric Characteristics and Associated Land Use/Land Cover in Sajnam Basin: A Remote Sensing and GIS Based Approach

Sadiya Idris Khan, Akram Javed



The present study makes an attempt to assess drainage basin characteristics of Sajnam watershed situated in Lalitpur district of Bundelkhand region, Uttar Pradesh. The basin covering an area of 995.87 km2 was delineated on Arc map software using Arc hydro tool and the ASTER data. Elevation and slope map were prepared using ASTER data and the maximum and minimum elevation encountered in the area are 283 meter and 563 meters respectively and slope varies from less than 8°–40°. Survey of India (SOI) toposheet on 1:50000 scales were geo-referenced and mosaicked to digitize the drainage. IRS P6 LISS III data was used to update the drainage by using image enhancement techniques. Linear, shape and areal parameters of the basin were computed in GIS. Mean bifurcation ratio of the basin is 4.1 showing that drainage development lack structural control and was influenced by geology and morphology of the basin. The drainage density is 1.43 km/km2 of the area has been found to be low which indicates permeable /resistant subsurface material and low relief. Shape parameters like form factor, elongation ratio and circulatory ratio, basin shape, suggests the Sajnam watershed is elongated in shape with a longer duration of concentration and flat peak flow. Land use/land cover map was prepared by visual interpretation of IRS P6 LISS III satellite data on the premise of tone, texture, color, pattern and association. Comprehensive information on land use land cover categories was derived in order to assess the present land use/land cover of study area. Thirteen land use/land cover categories were recognized. The study was valuable in deciding the catchment characteristics in terms of shape, size, slope, drainage development and its impact on underlying lithology and type of land use /land cover.

Keywords: Morphometric analysis, IRS P6 LISS III image, land use/land cover, geoinformatics

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Sadiya Idris Khan, Akram Javed. Geomorphometric Characteristics and Associated Land Use/Land Cover in Sajnam Basin: A Remote Sensing and GIS Based Approach. Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS. 2017; 8(3): 22–32p.

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